We at Antecna don’t consider ourselves heroes. But we are truly inspired by them. Gathering people with various experiences in our team, mentored by older, driven by younger, we aim to deliver outstanding bytes of code.
Making bulletproof software is our passion, but we know that applications can be puzzling. That’s why we are doing our best to demystify software we make. So feel free to become a part of our hero story.
Prometheus gave people a fire, hoping that it will inspire them to do great things. In many cases we have a similar job: inventing fire is difficult, but sometimes necessary.
That’s why we are proud of years of professional experience and partnerships with global consulting and software companies which confirms our commitment to our customers. Our team of proficient and highly educated electrical engineers and a wide network of external consultants specialize in the implementation of software solutions and infrastructure projects in the fields of construction, energy, telecommunications and transportation.
For the solutions that we offer and implement, the main goal is to improve, optimize and automate business processes, for the purpose of achieving greater efficiency and leveraging our clients' resources to achieve day-to-day business savings through the digital transformation.
Creating software for us is not just our daily job – it’s our passion. We think that each problem is solvable, and we enjoy when it takes a lot of creative energy and thinking process for a problem to be solved.
We don’t think that adopting programming languages and particular technologies is vital, because we are engineers. Though we are very skilled in some of them, and we can achieve outstanding performance while we develop code in Java or React, we think positively of C# and Angular. Or even C++. When story behind a project is great, we will adapt: no matter the tech that needs to be used.
Our people have developed many different software products, from highly polished mobile apps, to extremely complicated enterprise solutions, and found a way to overcome any obstacle they may face.